Well how cool is that?
Okay so now he is looking for a new wheel in town as the time ticks down. He offered another alternative if he cannot find a wheel to fit...that would be to torque a nut on there tight and then weld the nut and washer to the driveshaft. This would secure the wheel and prevent it from slipping. The only downside is that to change out my tire or remove the wheel I would have to have the weld cut or ground off the spindle carefully. I have attached a few pics to show you the new problem.
Anyways. This is at least a true explanation of what was going on. I would have never guessed. I think that Greg and my combined weight was too much for the wheel and stripped the threads. Fortunstely the driveshaft from the clutch isn't marred.
Tonight I am going to camp out in town in a stealth place I found a few blocks away. A solution temporarily while I wait and see. There is a $peso300 hotel up the road I will stay at tomorrow if I still have to crash around town.
Keep you posted. I feel better knowing that this is the issue now. Makes much more sense. Also now I have a new clutch.