Boondocking the Nation: 17 Days, 8300mi, 1 Motel
Aug-Sept 2010
For 17 days in early September, I made my first trip west at age 24. I battled a plains crosswind, rode the highest paved road in the nation, slept under the Canyonland stars, beheld the end of the road at the Pacific Coast, lanesplit in CA, rode Point Reyes with the Darth Peach and accomplished 1000mi in 24hrs and 1500mi in 36hrs with no receipts...just for myself.
I invite you to accompany me through this compilation of journal entries and photographs taken during my trip of growth and exploration across the US and back.
CritterII hogging the road in Kansas
My first view of the Rocky Mountains
Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO
Camping in La Plata Canyon, CO
Mesa Verde, CO
Near Four Corners
Sunrise over Moab
Hiking with the Three Stooges Stromin' the San Juans overlooking Montrose, CO
Drainage Tube "Hotel"
Pacific Coast Highway
Yellowstone, WY
(More Pics to Come)