Lost with Mike
The South
Merchant's Millpond State Park, NC
BRP and a visit to Charlotte, NC
South Carolina and Back on my GS (2011)
Jaw-ja Trip #1 - Visiting my Nephew
Jaw-ja Trip #2 - Cousin's Wedding
"You rode 1300 miles for BBQ?!?" (2010)
Canada (eh)
2012 - Beards to Canada
Day 1: Arlington, VA > Arlington, VT
Day 1-2 (Continued) Back to VA!!!
Day 3: Newburyport, NH > Sandy Cove, NS
Day 4: Loafing around "The Neck"
Day 5: Sandy Cove, NS to Antigonish, NS
Day 6: Antigonish, NS to Meat Cove, NS
Day 7: Meat Cove, NS to Port Aux Basques, NFL
Day 8: Port Aux Basques to Port Saunders
Day 9: Port Saunders to Big Brook
Day 10: Big Brook, NL to Trans Lab Hwy
Day 11: Trans Lab Hwy to Pinware River
Day 12: Pinware River, LAB to Norris Point, NL
Day 13: Norris Point to Blue Beach
Day 14: Blue Beach, NL to Port Aux Basques Ferry
Day 15: Sydney, NS to Sandy Cove, NS
Day 16: Chillin on the Digby Neck
Day 17: Sandy Cove, NS to No. Sandwich, NH
Day 18: Sandiwch, NH to Arlington, VA (Home)
Algonquin Park 2013
Day 1: Home to New York
Day 2: Chataugay State Forest to Brent, ON
Day 3: Brent, ON to Nipissing River Portage at Nadine Lake
Day 4: Nipissing River @ Nadine Lake Portage to first island in Red Pine Bay
Day 5: Red Pine Bay to Hogan’s Lake
Day 6: Hogan’s Lake to Catfish Lake
Day 7: Catfish Lake to Cedar Lake to Fredonia, NY
Day 8: Fredonia, NY to Brookville, PA
Day 9: Brookville, PA to Alexandria, VA
Think I'll ride to Montreal this weekend...
Ontario on a Whim
How to Hit a Tree, By ME!
Ruckus Stealth Camping in MD
Ruck'n around Southern MD
White's Ferry and some Maryland Backroads
1000mi right near da' beach (2010)
New York
Cornell, Niagara Falls and PA Coal Country (2012)
Finger Lakes trip to NY (2011)
New York City Trip (2011)
Early Spring in PA
Michaux Camping
From a Wedding to "Where-da-fugawi?"
Pennsylvania Leaf Peeping (2012)
First Big Trip to PA (2010)
From the Mountains to the Sea in Ol' Virginny'
What the Fog? (Northern Neck, VA - 2013)
Uncle Bucks Ride to Eat and Snowy SNP
Charlottesville Area Ride
Serious Helmet Time in VA (2011)
Ruck'n Across Virginia (2010)
Impromptu Camping with 'DC Rider' (2010)
West Virginia
Rella-Vous and Skippii Rescue
New River Gorge Ghost Town Exploration (2011)
Five States from Laurel Fork (Spring 2013)
A Little Dirt, A Little Clouds, A lotta Fun, WV (2012)
GS and an NSX? (2012)
Seneca Rocks Camping Two-Up (2011)
Panniers Only Club at Seneca Rocks, WV (2010)
Laurel Fork Fall 2010 on the Honda Ruckus 50cc (2010)
Dog Days Rally and Rella's Gift (2010)
Pops and Richmonders in WV (2010)
Rocket Boys (2010)
New River Gorge and Rella's (2010)
Cross Country 2009
Trip Preparation
Day 1: (Sept 3, 2010)
Day 2: (Sept 4, 2010)
Day 3: (Sept 5, 2010)
Day 4: (Sept 6, 2010)
Day 5: (Sept 7, 2010)
Day 6: (Sept 8, 2010)
Day 7: (Sept 9, 2010)
Day 8: (Sept 10, 2010)
Day 9: (Sept 11, 2010)
Day 10: (Sept 12, 2010)
Day 11: (Sept 13, 2010)
Day 12: (Sept 14, 2010)
Day 13: (Sept 15, 2010)
Day 14: (Sept 16, 2010)
Day 15: (Sept 17, 2010)
Day 16: (Sept 18, 2010)
Day 17: (Sept 19, 2010)
2200 miles down the Mississippi R.
The South
Merchant's Millpond State Park, NC
BRP and a visit to Charlotte, NC
South Carolina and Back on my GS (2011)
Jaw-ja Trip #1 - Visiting my Nephew
Jaw-ja Trip #2 - Cousin's Wedding
"You rode 1300 miles for BBQ?!?" (2010)
Canada (eh)
2012 - Beards to Canada
Day 1: Arlington, VA > Arlington, VT
Day 1-2 (Continued) Back to VA!!!
Day 3: Newburyport, NH > Sandy Cove, NS
Day 4: Loafing around "The Neck"
Day 5: Sandy Cove, NS to Antigonish, NS
Day 6: Antigonish, NS to Meat Cove, NS
Day 7: Meat Cove, NS to Port Aux Basques, NFL
Day 8: Port Aux Basques to Port Saunders
Day 9: Port Saunders to Big Brook
Day 10: Big Brook, NL to Trans Lab Hwy
Day 11: Trans Lab Hwy to Pinware River
Day 12: Pinware River, LAB to Norris Point, NL
Day 13: Norris Point to Blue Beach
Day 14: Blue Beach, NL to Port Aux Basques Ferry
Day 15: Sydney, NS to Sandy Cove, NS
Day 16: Chillin on the Digby Neck
Day 17: Sandy Cove, NS to No. Sandwich, NH
Day 18: Sandiwch, NH to Arlington, VA (Home)
Algonquin Park 2013
Day 1: Home to New York
Day 2: Chataugay State Forest to Brent, ON
Day 3: Brent, ON to Nipissing River Portage at Nadine Lake
Day 4: Nipissing River @ Nadine Lake Portage to first island in Red Pine Bay
Day 5: Red Pine Bay to Hogan’s Lake
Day 6: Hogan’s Lake to Catfish Lake
Day 7: Catfish Lake to Cedar Lake to Fredonia, NY
Day 8: Fredonia, NY to Brookville, PA
Day 9: Brookville, PA to Alexandria, VA
Think I'll ride to Montreal this weekend...
Ontario on a Whim
How to Hit a Tree, By ME!
Ruckus Stealth Camping in MD
Ruck'n around Southern MD
White's Ferry and some Maryland Backroads
1000mi right near da' beach (2010)
New York
Cornell, Niagara Falls and PA Coal Country (2012)
Finger Lakes trip to NY (2011)
New York City Trip (2011)
Early Spring in PA
Michaux Camping
From a Wedding to "Where-da-fugawi?"
Pennsylvania Leaf Peeping (2012)
First Big Trip to PA (2010)
From the Mountains to the Sea in Ol' Virginny'
What the Fog? (Northern Neck, VA - 2013)
Uncle Bucks Ride to Eat and Snowy SNP
Charlottesville Area Ride
Serious Helmet Time in VA (2011)
Ruck'n Across Virginia (2010)
Impromptu Camping with 'DC Rider' (2010)
West Virginia
Rella-Vous and Skippii Rescue
New River Gorge Ghost Town Exploration (2011)
Five States from Laurel Fork (Spring 2013)
A Little Dirt, A Little Clouds, A lotta Fun, WV (2012)
GS and an NSX? (2012)
Seneca Rocks Camping Two-Up (2011)
Panniers Only Club at Seneca Rocks, WV (2010)
Laurel Fork Fall 2010 on the Honda Ruckus 50cc (2010)
Dog Days Rally and Rella's Gift (2010)
Pops and Richmonders in WV (2010)
Rocket Boys (2010)
New River Gorge and Rella's (2010)
Cross Country 2009
Trip Preparation
Day 1: (Sept 3, 2010)
Day 2: (Sept 4, 2010)
Day 3: (Sept 5, 2010)
Day 4: (Sept 6, 2010)
Day 5: (Sept 7, 2010)
Day 6: (Sept 8, 2010)
Day 7: (Sept 9, 2010)
Day 8: (Sept 10, 2010)
Day 9: (Sept 11, 2010)
Day 10: (Sept 12, 2010)
Day 11: (Sept 13, 2010)
Day 12: (Sept 14, 2010)
Day 13: (Sept 15, 2010)
Day 14: (Sept 16, 2010)
Day 15: (Sept 17, 2010)
Day 16: (Sept 18, 2010)
Day 17: (Sept 19, 2010)