I had the fortune of joining up with many of my dual sport riding buddies at Loftus' river front property for three days. The company of friends, new and old as well as the dogs and cat nearby was an enjoyable and relaxing time. The keg was tapped but I found myself enjoying the Crazy Fox Coffee more than the IPA. Wide sycamore leaves rained from the canopy and the foliage on the far bank began to turn flush with the colors of fall. We grilled out, camped in the meadow and enjoyed the passing thunder storm in the canopy of the garage. By Saturday morning, I was eyeing the forecast and set off to make good time south whole the weather was comfortable and dry.
Mike SaundersFollowing 16 months spent riding a Honda Ruckus around America, I've decided to slow things down with a bicycle trip aboard my trusty and twice-wrecked 1980 Panasonic DX3000. Stealth camping should be easier now! Archives |