The morning came with sprinkles and a steady drizzle as I loaded up the Ruckus. Paint still stuck to my hair and beard after my day of painting and cleaning Phil's place in preparation for a Realator visit today.
Last night we dined on Alaskan Hallibut that Phil caught in Valdez last season. The Guiness Beer Batter was delicious and he really know how to host a guest!
So with a belly full of fish and a warm heart from hospitality beyond my imagination, I set out to Deadhorse, the farthest N one can ride in the US. My first stop tonight is Coldfoot, roughly half way there. I aim to motor out in the rain from Coldfoot tomorrow with my sights set on Prudhoe Bay down the Haul Road. This often muddy and hilly roller coaster of a road is the home of monstrous semis hauling equipment to the oilfelds. They own this road and I know it. I will feel like a small life boat in a sea of sharks as I stay to the right and dodge the muck and truck.
This destination has existed for years in my imagination and I slowly aim to realize my goal: VA>FL>AK.
Fingers crossed!