On Wednesday morning I suited up and headed out into the bunky morning weather for the respite of College Coffee in Fairbanks. At the intersection of University and College St, this hip coffee house attracted UAF professors and local intellectuals alike. Folks chatted about curriculum and analytical concepts as I sipped on coffee. I me taken Ken S. outside Lowes the day prior and he suggested I stop in for the morning coffee club of motorcyclists. He soon showed up along with the founder of the BMW shop in town. I fielded a number of questions from the seasoned travelers and spent the morning chatting with Ken and friends. Around 9:30, Richard M. ( blog.machida.us ) showed up on his blue and white Ural Patrol in a bright hiviz Roadcrafter Lite. We introduced ourselves and I was surprised to learn he is familiar with Chris and Dom's blog - having hosted both of them as they toured through Alaska! No wonder his name looked familiar. I had a swell time chatting with them and sharing experiences in motorcycling and travels north to Prudhoe Bay on the haul road. Around lunch time we stood in the drying parking lot and chatted some more, UDF in full swing, and set out into the day.
Richard was kind enough to include an entry about me on his wonderful blog. I consider it a n honor to have met these fine gentleman and sincerely look forward to an opportunity to have lunch when I swing back through Fairbanks next week. You meet the nicest people on a Honda indeed!